
Welcome to the 2B Tech homepage (Contact form below)

Although the site is an early work-in-progress, you are welcome! Please excuse the placeholder links, images and text.

It is a space for capturing thoughts, information and providing links to resources (reviews, data files etc) which will hopefully be useful to other synth and music-tech nerds.

Keys + Modules

Keys + Modules
Mostly synthesizers, in a few varieties

Hardware Sequencers

Hardware Sequencers
Hardware sequencers

Drum Machines

Drum Machines
Drum machines and modules

Rack Effects

Rack Effects
Generally 1U, 19" Rack effects

Guitar pedals

Guitar pedals
Yes, but not just for guitars!


Nearly everything in the studio has MIDI, but this category covers USB interfaces and switch boxes.

Contact me

If you have any suggestions or comments for the website or about the gear featured here, please get in touch. As a spam deterrent, hyperlinks cannot be sent. But if you would like to introduce yourself, we can take it from there : )